えいご おんどく 328

Описание к видео えいご おんどく 328


You will always remember this as the day that you almost caught

you grab the ball that your opponent had thrown to a member of your own team.

I'd rather be a good man than a great king.

than leaving it with the pirate

Well, let's learn it with Will Smith and Chris Hemsworth in Men in Black.

Sure! Here are some examples of colloquial English expressions, along with their meanings:

1. *Hit the nail on the head*
- *Meaning:* To be exactly right or accurate about something.
- *Example:* "You really hit the nail on the head with your analysis of the situation."

2. *Piece of cake*
- *Meaning:* Something that is very easy to do.
- *Example:* "The test was a piece of cake—I finished it in 10 minutes!"

3. *Spill the beans*
- *Meaning:* To reveal a secret or disclose information.
- *Example:* "Come on, spill the beans! I know you know what's going on."

4. *Bite the bullet*
- *Meaning:* To endure something painful or unpleasant that is inevitable.
- *Example:* "I don't want to go to the dentist, but I guess I'll have to bite the bullet."

5. *Break the ice*
- *Meaning:* To initiate conversation in a social setting, especially when it's awkward.
- *Example:* "He told a joke to break the ice at the meeting."

6. *Under the weather*
- *Meaning:* Feeling sick or unwell.
- *Example:* "I’m feeling a bit under the weather today, so I think I’ll stay home."

7. *Blow off steam*
- *Meaning:* To do something to release pent-up energy or emotions.
- *Example:* "After a long week at work, I usually go for a run to blow off some steam."

8. *Cut to the chase*
- *Meaning:* To get to the point without wasting time.
- *Example:* "Let's cut to the chase—what exactly are you proposing?"

9. *On the ball*
- *Meaning:* To be alert, knowledgeable, and quick to respond.
- *Example:* "You’ve been really on the ball with this project."

10. *Throw in the towel*
- *Meaning:* To give up or admit defeat.
- *Example:* "After struggling with the problem for hours, I finally threw in the towel."

These expressions are commonly used in everyday English and can add a more natural and fluent feel to conversations.


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