TitanToons Episode 4: Offline

Описание к видео TitanToons Episode 4: Offline

If you've played the campaign, can you relate?

Special thanks to iKuma for providing a clip of multiplayer. You can distinguish his clip as it is the one that has a different camo for the L-star. This clip was selected as it fit my idea for the story the best. It also helped me determine the map, mode and weapon. I knew that I wanted to open the episode with a multiplayer match but I wanted the details to be inspired from the submission :)

At Respawn, I was fortunate to work on the single player campaign among some of the best artists I have ever encountered. Even in earlier stages of development the campaign was just so much fun to play. When it was finalized and it all came together, the feelings I experienced as I played through it from beginning to end were extremely memorable. In this episode I hope to illustrate some of those special moments without giving too much away :)

To my team at Respawn. Thank you for creating one of the funnest games I've played in a long time!


#Titanfall2 #ToonCraft #Animation


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