WAIT! DON'T BUY THESE!! What NOT To Buy For Your Russian Tortoise!

Описание к видео WAIT! DON'T BUY THESE!! What NOT To Buy For Your Russian Tortoise!

Woah! Don't get these for your Russian Tortoise! Here are 5 specific things I have learned should NOT be utilized in Russian Tortoise care. What do you think?

Water Bowl: https://www.lllreptile.com/products/1...

$5 off your first https://reptilinks.com/
order, use code "professorherp" at checkout

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Intro song accredited to hxploit: https://soundcloud.com/hxploit?ref=cl...

★Watch More of Professor Herp★
Best of Professor Herp:    • Moving My Tegu To His Adult Enclosure  
Best of Professor Herp Live Streams:    • Видео  
Reptile Room Tours:    • Feeding ALL My REPTILES! Great Quality!  
Monthly Reptile Room Updates:    • March 2020 Reptile Room Update!  
Do They Make Good Pets? Series:    • Do Tegu Lizards Make Good Pets?  
Reptile Verses Reptile Series:    • Bearded Dragon Verses Leopard Gecko! ...  
Reptile Tricks & Tips:    • How To Tame Your Reptile | The Do's A...  
Collaborations:    • Ask The Experts: Ackie Monitor's | Fe...  
Ackie Monitor Care:    • v2.0 | The Best Beginner Monitor? | C...  
Ackie Monitor Breeding:    • Breeding My Ackie Monitors | SO NERVOUS!  
Tegu Lizard Care:    • Moving My Tegu To His Adult Enclosure  
Bearded Dragon Care:    • v2.0 | Making a Lay Box For My Bearde...  
Russian Tortoise Care:    / watchv=yxi2rnypyqm&list=pldqzj1nenn2p29bg0...  
Silly Reptile Room Vlogs:    • The Difficulty Renting With Reptiles ...  
Reptile Investigative:    • Reptiles Have Emotions! Does Your Rep...  

★About Professor Herp★
I started getting into the reptile hobby in February of 2018. My first reptile was my Bearded Dragon - Maxine Pegasus (creator of duel monsters btw). Since then, I have added five Yellow Ackie Monitors (Asus, Dell, LG, and two unnamed babies), a Chacoan Black and White Tegu (Frappuccino), a Crested Gecko (Destin), and a Russian Tortoise (Tortellini). I also have a dog named Thrall (yes, from World of Warcraft) who is a Dachshund/Chihuahua mix - aka a Chiweenie.

My goal with this channel is to share my knowledge, experience and journey with other reptile/animal enthusiasts and become a better caretaker because of it. Hopefully I can learn a lot from the community through these videos.

"Always be open to new idea's, no matter your expertise, nor the expertise of the individual expressing the new idea."

#tortoise #russiantortoise #enclosure #reptile #pet #turtle #care #petreptile #animal #exotic #professorherp


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