Conan Exiles | What happens if we put a PVP ARENA on a CLIFF?

Описание к видео Conan Exiles | What happens if we put a PVP ARENA on a CLIFF?

On my official Xynode Gaming LTD Private Conan Servers for Roleplay PVP (RPPVP) to scratch that PVP itch, we have setup ARENAS over the map where people can fight out their differences to the DEATH!

This particular one is on PS4/PS5 near the Sinkhole handing off of a CLIFF! Toe Brothers Ben and Joker from Brother's Grimm clan, have decided to display their skills in a fight to the death while gathering more customers for their Mercenary contracts business on the server.

Follow the link if you would like to get stuck in! The Ninja Barbarian perk on Patreon gets you access to these exclusive locations/servers and SO much more!


00:00 Introduction
00:18 Getting to the Arena
02:39 Someone already died?!
05:50 The prize gold is ARRIVING!
10:20 You just CAN'T have nice things!
14:29 Dark Seraphina NOOO!!
22:06 an we get on with it?
23:52 LET'S GO!!!

#conanexiles #conanexilespvp #conanexilesgameplay


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