Alex Wijaya; Working at Creative Industries

Описание к видео Alex Wijaya; Working at Creative Industries

Seiring berjalannya waktu, industri kreatif berkembang sangat pesat, hal itu pun sejalan dengan makin berkembangnya dunia digital. Penetrasi itu makin pesat apalagi di tengah pandemi seperti ini, semua hal menjadi serba daring. Lalu, bagaimana pandangan Alex Wijaya sebagai CEO Famous Allstar? Simak ulasannya dalam video ini.
As time goes by, the creative industry is growing very rapidly, it is also in line with the development of the digital world. Penetration is getting faster, especially in the midst of a pandemic like this, everything is completed online. Then, what is Alex Wijaya's view as the CEO of Famous Allstar? Check out the review in this video.

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