Build a Blog App using React

Описание к видео Build a Blog App using React

Welcome to my blog app built entirely using React! In this video, I'll showcase the different methods I've implemented to handle data fetching and storage within the app. Whether you're just getting started with React or looking to expand your knowledge, this project covers a variety of data management techniques that you can incorporate into your own applications including:
1. Static Data Integration(Learn how to display blog posts using hardcoded static data.)
2. Local Storage Utilization(Discover how to save and retrieve data from the browser's local storage.)
3. Dynamic Data Fetching with JSON Server(Experience how to set up a mock REST API using JSON Server.
Understand how to perform CRUD operations (Create, Read, Update, Delete) using Axios to interact with the JSON Server.)
Source Code:

0:00 Intro
3:54 Hello World!
5:16 Create and Import Header Component
13:33 Styling Header Component
20:43 useState and State setting in React
22:35 Create and import DisplayBlog Component
24:45 Prop Drilling
36:15 Styling BlogItem Container
41:50 Create and Import Footer Component
45:27 Styling Footer Component
48:50 Installing React Router
54:09 Importing Routes,Route to App.js
54:25 Create and Import New Blog Component
59:00 Routing the New Blog Component
1:00:35 Styling New Blog Component
1:10:57 Creating a Nav Component
1:12:53 Styling Nav Component
1:15:40 Create and Import About Component
1:17:48 Create and import NotFound Component
1:22:17 Create and import BlogItem Component Route Path
1:35:20 Create and Import EditBlog Component
1:46:46 Create and Import a Hook
2:32:50 Local Storage Utilization
2:41:18 Dynamic Data Fetching with JSON Server
2:46:35: Perfom READ Crud Operation using fetch.
3:04:40 Perfom POST Crud Opertion using fetch
3:09:00 Perfom DELETE Crud Opertion using fetch
3:11:15 Perfom UPDATE Crud Opertion using fetch
3:24:30 Data Fecthing using AXIOS
3:27:03 Perfom READ Crud Operation using Axios.
3:32:50 Perfom POST Crud Operation using Axios.
3:35:30 Perfom DELETE Crud Operation using Axios.
3:37:05 Perfom UPDATE Crud Operation using Axios.
3:44:45 DataContext and Data Provider


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