ద్రవ జీవామృతం తయారీ/ ఉపయోగాలు /Preparation of drava jeevamrutham/Benefits

Описание к видео ద్రవ జీవామృతం తయారీ/ ఉపయోగాలు /Preparation of drava jeevamrutham/Benefits


To prepare jeevamrutham we need the following ingredients:cow dung,cow urine, jaggery,any dicotyledon flour,soil(quantities mentioned in the video).process I have showed in the video. Follow the video.
1 It improves the soil fertility.
2 It gives life to the soil.
3 The microbes that present in the soil make the soil nutrients in the plant utilising form.
4 plants grow healthy and strong.
5 It improves the resistance in the plants.

Take care of the trees ,they will take care of you

Thank you for watching 😊

Heaven Garden.


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