Meet Nandi, our Southern white rhino calf

Описание к видео Meet Nandi, our Southern white rhino calf

A Southern white rhino calf has been born at ZSL Whipsnade Zoo!

The female calf, named Nandi by zookeepers, which means ‘sweet one’ in Zulu, was born at 4am on 21 August. She's a welcome addition to the European Endangered species breeding programme and joins her mum Tuli and dad Sizzle within the Zoo’s herd (also known as a “crash”).

Southern white rhinos are born with over-sized, rubbery feet, which they have to ‘grow into’, so Nandi is understandably wobbly when she walks. Rhino calves spend most of their first week or two resting and drinking milk, but over the next few weeks she’ll grow, and as she does, she’ll get more playful, and confident in exploring her huge enclosure. 
Tuli is very protective right now, so we’re letting them rest away from the group and out of sight of visitors, but in a few days they’ll both start to feel more confident about Nandi venturing out and getting to know the rest of the herd.


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