Calyptus x Raza Rython: Intro to ZK Roll Ups & Scroll

Описание к видео Calyptus x Raza Rython: Intro to ZK Roll Ups & Scroll

Jump into the fascinating world of ZK Roll Ups with Raza Rython, Technical Devrel at Scroll. Here's a brief overview of what you'll learn in this session:

- Why Zero Knowledge is Crucial for Scaling: Discover the significance of Zero Knowledge in the context of blockchain scaling, as recently presented at the Next Blockchain Expo.

- Understanding Zero Knowledge: Grasp the essence of Zero Knowledge with a simple phrase: "I can prove this is true, but I don’t (need to) and won’t show you the data."

- Story Time: Embark on a journey to a land where a King, his accountant, and a computer unveil the magic of Zero Knowledge Proofs (ZKP) and its real-world applications.

- Zero-Knowledge Rollups: Delve into the mechanics of ZK Rollups, the next-gen Layer 2 solutions that promise lower gas fees and higher throughput for Ethereum.

- The Current Solutions: Understand the challenges with existing Layer 2 solutions and the revolutionary potential of ZK Rollups.

- Transaction Lifecycle with Scroll: Get a visual walkthrough of how transactions work with Scroll, a Layer 2 solution, and the role of Sequencers and Provers. And more!


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