Monster Jam MAD SCIENTIST Beaker Creatures: Dogs into Dragons! GRAVE DIGGER, Max D, CAPTAIN AMERICA

Описание к видео Monster Jam MAD SCIENTIST Beaker Creatures: Dogs into Dragons! GRAVE DIGGER, Max D, CAPTAIN AMERICA

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Watch out Scooby Doo, Fire and Ice Monster Mutt Dalmatian, Monster Mutt Rottweiler! There's a Mad Scientist in town, who is stealing all the dogs and using Beaker Creatures Experiments to change them into Dragons! What will Grave Digger and Max D do when their favorite dog, Scooby Doo, gets taken? Will they be able to save him before it's too late?! Or maybe the experiment will change one of them into the Avengers Captain America?!

#MonsterJam #MonsterTrucks #BeakerCreatures #GraveDigger #MonsterJamDragon #MonsterJamMaxD #MonsterJamCaptainAmerica


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