Umushumba mwiza by David (Official Video)

Описание к видео Umushumba mwiza by David (Official Video)


Jesus came looking for His lost sheep,
Found it and treated its wounds (himself),
He soothed it, cleaned it up and brought it back to His pasture

What caused Him such a pain is
He visited His pasture and looked around
But missed one of the sheep He pastures.
That dear one stood up and searched for it wholeheartedly

Jesus came looking for His lost sheep,
Found it and treated its wounds,
He soothed it, cleaned it up and brought it back to His pasture

What caused Him such a pain is
When He visited His pasture,
He looked around but missed one of the sheep He pastures.
That dear one stood up and searched for it wholeheartedly

The good pastor (shepherd) is Jesus
He is a shepherd that knows all of his sheep
He’s full of love even if one is lost he doesn’t let it die


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