King Lazy Eye, "Ha Ha" and "Pretty Okay", // GemsOnVHS™

Описание к видео King Lazy Eye, "Ha Ha" and "Pretty Okay", // GemsOnVHS™

Today I was leaving the courthouse in Nashville, after receiving a complete bullshit parking ticket on a street i've parked on for a decade, on which there are no signs indicating you can't park there. I'm going to fight it in court, because fuck them. While I was leaving the courthouse, I got a call from Dylan (King Lazy Eye's government name). I hadn't been able to get ahold of him for a week before this release, and was getting to be frustrated. He had pissed hot, pissed off his probation officer and was laying low, he told me.

"I'm staying at a beautiful woman's house, i'm on the run." he said.
"What are you, James Bond?" I quipped.
"More like No Bond!" he shot back, without so much as a pause.

I laughed out loud (lol'd in real life, basically). Dylan is just quick like that, a smart guy, for better or worse. Not smart enough to stay out of jail, but he is trying, and that's the most we can ask of anyone, I guess. Being clever comes with its own gifts and burdens in life. For Dylan it seems to help him write some pretty cutting, endearing songs, that have connected with thousands of folks online. It also seems to keep trouble following him, with no sign of letting up just yet. He hates cops, loves mentally unstable relationships and might just one day get it together enough to play a show near you, we all hope.

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  / gemsonvhs  

Find King Lazy Eye everywhere below:
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-  / kinglazyeyemusic  
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-  / kinglazyeye  

Our undying love and gratitude go to our executive producers for making this project possible: Brady Jones, One Aldean, Irvin Maddox, Joshua Taylor, Keith, Neon Noodle, Reverend RocknRoll, VJ Arizpe.

GemsOnVHS is a long running series of intimate, off-stage performances by songwriters we love.
We're on instagram (@gemsonvhs or @anthonysimpkins)
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