Michael Redmond on Friday Night Live

Описание к видео Michael Redmond on Friday Night Live

Legendary inventor of "a lot of people say to me - get out of my garden" (see Stewart Lee's 'Joe Pasquale Joke') and "do you ever notice how nervous people get when you follow them up a ladder?".

He nearly had a series on Radio 4, but it was pulled at the last minute because people were upset that it was called 'Eamon, Older Brother of Jesus'.

Michael Redmond most famously played Father Stone in the 'Father Ted' episode 'Entertaining Father Stone', and was last seen playing an abused goat on 'Stewart Lee's Comedy Vehicle'.

Other than that, there was nothing of his on YouTube whatsoever.

Which is why I ripped this.

It's off a Network DVD called 'The Very Best Of Friday Night Live'.

Buy the DVD, I suppose I should say.

Most of it, though, is Harry Enfield shouting "bosh" and Ben Elton sort of sweatily gyrating.


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