“There’s a fire in my flat” – SFRS releases real 999 call

Описание к видео “There’s a fire in my flat” – SFRS releases real 999 call

An audio recording of a 999 call has been released to illustrate the critical role of the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service’s (SFRS) Firefighter Control in managing emergency calls.

Firefighter Control Beth McInnes took the emergency call during a night shift at Johnstone Operations Control room earlier this year.

You will hear the fear in the woman’s voice as she became trapped in her home when a fire took hold in the stairwell of a block of flats in Glasgow.

Over the phone, Beth remained calm and provided reassurance and guidance, staying with the frightened caller until firefighters arrived to rescue her.

Recruiting the next generation of Firefighter Control

SFRS is now recruiting for Operations Control staff across the three sites in Dundee, Johnstone, and Edinburgh.

Firefighter Control across Scotland are the frontline in supporting emergency incidents and coordinating our resources across Scotland, yet often goes unnoticed.

As the initial point of contact for emergency calls, these dedicated professionals are the first responders that callers speak to in times of crisis.

Discover more about the job: https://bit.ly/4dQ0SAK

#WeAreSFRS #FirefigtherControl #JobVacancy


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