Will Sign Language Delay Speech? - Tips from a Speech Therapist

Описание к видео Will Sign Language Delay Speech? - Tips from a Speech Therapist

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The Short Answer is No
Many children who start off learning sign language or any other type of alternative augmentative communication (AAC) end up speaking. Why? Because when speech is difficult, we need an easier way to get our message across. If we keep on teaching speech, the child will get frustrated. Using sign language can also teach the meaning of a word. A child might be able to learn a word receptively. However, if s/he never uses it expressively, that word is not truly mastered. This is because we must be able to use the word in the correct context and at the right time. Sign language gives the opportunity to do so.

Communication Intention is King
The last thing you want is your child to stop wanting to communicate with you. To keep communication intention up, the interaction should be low-stress. If your child needs to scream and get mad every time s/he wants something from you, then what are the chances that your child would want to talk to you? Sign language gives an easier way to communicate. Plus, you can take your child’s hand to complete the task. Speech on the other hand cannot be physically prompted. Teach communication and focus on getting consistency with gestures first before moving to speech. You do NOT want to annoy your child to say something. You should be teaching your child to signal to you what s/he wants.

Sign Language is Highly Communicative, but not as Efficient
If you watch 2 hearing-impaired people signing to each other, you will find that they can “talk” for a long time. It’s super engaging and they’re practically in their own world. This won’t happen to your child, because his/her communication partner (you) isn’t hearing impaired. It’s much more efficient for both parties to use speech because it’s just so much faster. Your child will learn this once s/he finds out by using words the desired activity or item comes faster.


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