Pain Free Anaesthesia on Hair Transplant

Описание к видео Pain Free Anaesthesia on Hair Transplant

Let’s talk about the pain associated with hair transplant operations.

First of all, let me
assure you that a hair transplant is a painless procedure. But many patients are
nervous about the pain. They hear about bad experiences from other patients. And
sometimes they delay the procedure for years, just because of this issue. I think it's
time to put this issue to rest once and for all.

The pain some patients experience
during a hair transplant procedure is mainly the local anaesthetic. In order to provide
a comfortable and successful procedure we need to use local anaesthetic. But Local anaesthetic is only applied to your scalp 2 times during the whole operation, once before the harvesting and once before the incision. They take only a few minutes.

For extra comfort in the FKS clinic we use local anaesthetic guns. These devices apply
the local anaesthetic by using pressured air which numbs the area before the local
anaesthetic. So for anyone who is not keen on needles this is a very comfortable


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