Mdou Moctar - Imouhar (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Mdou Moctar - Imouhar (Official Music Video)

Imouhar is the Tuareg equivalent to "brother" or "comrade.” It’s a familial way to say “Tuareg people” that expresses a shared bond. Taken from Mdou Moctar's upcoming album 'Funeral for Justice' out on Matador Records, May 3, 2024. Mdou Moctar Store:

Matador Store US / CA / MX:
Matador Store ROW:

English Lyrics:

Imouhar, you know this indeed we have a written history
Written in books and the whole world knows it
Written in books and the whole world knows it

Imouhar, Imouhar wherever you are, you are Tuareg
Turbans and camels, symbols of our legacy and pride
Turbans and camels, symbols of our legacy and pride

Imouhar why are you abandoning your language, Tamacheq?
You stopped speaking it
You stopped writing it
You stopped speaking it
You stopped writing it

Imouhar, Imouhar this shames us, we must confess
Waking up one day our kids can’t speak Tamasheq
They can’t speak Tamasheq nor write it

Imouhar, Imouhar wherever you are, you are Tuareg
Turbans and camels, symbols of our legacy and pride
Turbans and camels, symbols of our legacy and pride

Tamasheq Transliteration:
Imouhar Atarikh nilay yiktab tissanim
Yiktab fel ilkadan tissan felas alghalim
Yiktaba fel ilkadan tissan felas alghalim

Imouhar, Imouhar edag tilam Toumast
Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass
Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass

Imouhar tamasheq mafel ass titoyem
Toyamm awal net
Toyamm aktabnet
Toyamm awal net
Toyamm akatabnet

Imouhar, Imouhar awen alghar felana
Adifo iliyadan wirissenan Tamasheq
Wirissenan tamashaq wirissenan akatabnet

Imouhar, Imouhar edag tilam Toumast
Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass
Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass


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Directed by Lauren Greenhall
Director of Photography Hannah Engelson
2nd Camera Andy Zou
Gaffer Sean Li
Best Boy Jason Vasquez
Silk Screen Strutter Melton Sharpe
Lighting Lethario Andy Zou
Edited and Animated by Jayla Smith
Tiffinah by Ahmoudou Madassane
Funeral for Justice Birds by Robert Beaty
Color by John Rogers
Produced by Original Nose LLC
Creative Direction : Can Misirlioglu / Modern People

Special Thanks to Dan Oestreich, Park Street Studios, and Revolver Lighting

Mdou Moctar:
  / mdou_moctar  
  / mdoumoctar  
  / mdoumoctarofficial

Matador Records on the web:​
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  / matadorrecords​  
  / matadorrecords  

#MdouMoctar #FuneralForJustice


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