How to Be an Alpha Male: Hollywood Attraction Secrets

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Learn how James Bond charms women around the world.
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If you are wondering how to be an alpha male, or you are wondering about the easy steps to attract women, you're at the right place. Here you're going to learn how to be walk confidently, how to have a confident eye contact and how to generally radiate self confidence no matter what you do the James-Bond-style.

From the moment she sits next to him, Bond is self-confident and that's exactly how alpha men are. THey know how to radiate that confidence, they know how to be calm and relaxed regardless of girl's looks....

That's why James is calm, relaxed.. And teasing… Usually when a beautiful girl sits next to a guy, he’ll try to impress her… he’ll try to make her laugh or somehow grab her attention… and he’ll show his excitement or nervousness with quick movements of his head or arms…

Now, even though excitement is usually very attractive, in a case when a guy becomes excited when only when he meets a girl, it is not attractive at all… because it implies neediness. You might not look at it that way, but from woman’s perspective, a guy who gets excited when he meets her shows that he’s a low status guy… he gets impressed by her looks … which is a huge turnoff for girls...

Now, James Bond as an alpha male does just the opposite: He controls his movements and slowly, nonchalantly checks her out… he doesn’t make a big deal out of it… but notice that if he checked her out quickly, it would change everything… the tension… the charm… she wouldn’t get that impression of him because instead of looking as an alpha male, he would look inferior.. So, whenever you’re meeting a girl, make sure to slow down your movements. It does wonders.

Now, most men will have no problem looking at a girl when she is talking to them, but when they are speaking, they look away quite a lot and they do not even notice it… Now, to a girl that looks distracting and as she’s wondering why you’re so distracted, she can’t focus on what you’re talking about. So, the next time you’re talking to a girl, try the opposite: occasionally look away when she’s talking to you but when you’re talking to her, look at her all the time.

This literally plays with her brain because it seems like you’re present in the moment when you’re speaking while she needs to work a bit harder to catch your attention...

This is literally game on another level, but playing with her brain stirs her emotions, and that’s what we want.

This is the key. There’s a bottle of wine on the table and he takes it to sour some wine to her even though she didn’t ask for it. That’s him taking a dominant role that’s natural to him… he doesn’t even think about it. Now, if taking a dominant role is not inborn for you, whenever you’re in such situation, just ask yourself: what would James Bond do, and do it.

It sounds silly, but when you do it, it trains your brain to think in a way that you’re an alpha male… that you are in charge of everything… and after a couple of times you do it, you’ll notice it comes by itself.

If you take a look at their bodies, you’ll notice that the girl is very interested in Bond.. she’s leaning forward… she’s looking at him all the time… while Bond nonchalantly leans back. Now, when I was just starting to learn Attraction, a mentor of mine showed me how just by looking at body language of a guy and a girl talking in a bar, you could clearly tell who liked the other person more.

Always, ALWAYS the person leaning more forward WAS the person who WAS more interested.

Now, girls might not notice it immediately, but if you do it, they’ll notice some kind of pressure…

And they’re not gonna like it. So, whenever you’re talking to a girl early on, make sure you’re relaxed and leaning back, because that's exactly what all aplha men do... because it keeps their power strong..

Instead of smiling and showing his teeth like most Americans do, he ambiguously smiles so it’s not clear whether it’s a smile or a smirk. It’s mysterious… it’s playful. And one of the key things that I teach to my clients is that MYSTERY CREATES INTEREST. So, the more clues she has about you but the less answers she has, THE BETTER. Because, when you meet a girl and you literally spitball everything about yourself, she’s not gonna wonder about you when she goes home… on the other hand, when you give her clues about yourself but not the facts, she’s gonna go home and wonder what could be true… what did you mean by that…

And the more she’s thinking about you… the more she feels attracted to you.

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