Elephants and Banana Peels: Navigating the Web SDK Jungle! | Adobe Analytics User Group

Описание к видео Elephants and Banana Peels: Navigating the Web SDK Jungle! | Adobe Analytics User Group

Are you ready to revolutionize your data collection with Adobe's Web SDK? Join Adobe Analytics Champion, Andrew Wathen as he acts as your intrepid guide, and shares his experiences of using Web SDK in the wild! During this session he will set out the key challenges that you'll face, and gives you practical advice to help you avoid any banana peels that you could slip up on.

- Why should I move to Web SDK?
- What are the key differences vs. previous data collection methods?
- What are the implementation mistakes I should avoid?

The EMEA Virtual Analytics User Group (EMEA Virtual AUG) is a community of passionate Analytics users who come together virtually to share best practices, collectively problem solve, and network. Our user group is comprised of users across Europe. We host virtual meetings once a quarter where we focus on a variety of topics and invite Analytics Thought Leaders to present and share their expertise.

If you are interested in advancing your knowledge and use of Adobe Analytics, meeting other like-minded users who are industry leaders, and earning exclusive swag– then join our AUG today! https://analytics-augs.adobe.com/emea...


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