Hypnosis Live: woman levitate and dissapear by Lorenzo-Cristian Magic

Описание к видео Hypnosis Live: woman levitate and dissapear by Lorenzo-Cristian Magic

Woman during hypnosis, levitate and dissapers.
Everything happens live in pastry. Hypnotist is Lorenzo-Cristian the greatest magician in Romania.
The whole act was a marketing campain for the local confectionery.

O femeie leviteaza prin hipnoza apoi dispare. Actiunea se intampla intr-o cofetarie "Sennevile" din Timisoara.

Lorenzo-Cristian iluzionsitul care uimeste cu levitatiile sale, a reusit recent sa leviteze pe strazile din Timisoara tragand dupa el un Tir de 13 tone, tir care se deplasa fara sofer.



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