Grebaštica. Croatia.

Описание к видео Grebaštica. Croatia.

Grebaštica is a vilage in Šibenik -Knin County, Croatia. It is located by the Adriatic Sea, 15 km sounth of Šibenik and 15 km north of Primošten. The main economic activity is tourism.
Except beaches, there are other sights worth visiting. The natural water spring- Gornja Grebaštica. The defensive wall or oten callet - the Chinese wall, on the peninsula of Oštrica wasbuilt in 1497. The wall was built for the purpose of defenze in the Croatian-Ottoman wars.
Galešnica beach, Oaza Jeliniak. Vela Oštrica. Luka Grebaštica. Timaru island. National Park Krka,and Kornaty.
Beautiful nature. Discover romantic bays. Aroma of pine trees. A walk through the Ostrica Peninsula....
Many great restaurants. Everything is clouse.

Grebaštica. Turistická oblasť 15 km od Šibeníka. Záliv Grebaštica. Poloostrov Oštrica s obranným múrom z roku 1497. Chorvatsko -Turecké vojny. Čisté more. Malé pláže. Veľa zálivov obklopených borovicami. Vôňa ihličia.
Dobré služby. Všetko je blízko. Veľa výborných reštaurácii. Ďakujem za príjemnú dovolenku.


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