President comments on Iraq, Liberia and Mideast

Описание к видео President comments on Iraq, Liberia and Mideast

(2 Jul 2003)
1. Wide shots of Bush at podium
2. Cutaway of press
3. SOUNDBITE: (English) US President George W. Bush
"There are some who feel like that if they attack us that we may decide to leave prematurely. They don't understand what they're talking about, if that's the case. Let me finish. There are some who feel like that, you know, the conditions are such that they can attack us there. My answer is bring them on. We got the force necessary to deal with the security situation. Of course we want other countries to help us. Great Britain is there. Poland is there. Ukraine is there, you mentioned. Anybody who wants to help, we'll welcome to help. But we got plenty tough force there right now to make sure the situation is secure. We always welcome help. We're always glad to include others in. But make no mistake about it, and the enemy shouldn't make any mistake about it, we will deal with them harshly if they continue to try to bring harm to the Iraqi people."
4. Cutaway to the press
5. SOUNDBITE: (English) US President George W. Bush
"I am optimistic, but I also recognize the nature of the Middle East. I mean, there are people there who still hate. They hate Israel, they hate the idea of peace, they can't stand the thought of a peaceful existing side by side with Israel, and they're willing to - may be willing to attack. And what we must continue to do is to reject that kind of thought. That's why we spoke out clearly - I spoke out, the secretary of state has spoken out - on Hamas. Hamas is not a peaceful organisation when they're willing to blow people up and destroy innocent life. And so we are making progress, but the progress will be ultimately made when the world, particularly that part of the world, firmly and finally rejects terrorist activities."
6. Wide side shot of Bush speaking
7. SOUNDBITE: (English) US President George W. Bush
"We're exploring all options as to how to keep the situation peaceful and stable. One thing has to happen: Mr. Taylor needs to leave the country. And Colin's made that a - I made it clear publicly. I've just made it clear again. He made it clear to Kofi Annan. In order for there to be peace and stability in Liberia, Charles Taylor needs to leave now."
8. Cutaway to the press
President Bush pledged Wednesday that the United States will deal harshly with those who attack American troops in Iraq, and said such violence will not undercut his resolve to keep Americans there until stability is restored.
Speaking about a host of issues at an impromptu news conference at the White House, Bush reiterated his warning that those who attack coalition forces will be dealt with harshly.
Increasing attacks have killed 26 US soldiers since Bush declared major combat over on May 1.
Bush said he would welcome assistance from other countries willing to send troops to help restore peace, but added the US has "the force necessary to deal with the
security situation."
Bush also spoke about human suffering and unrest in Liberia, but he stopped short of saying whether his administration should send peacekeepers to the West African nation - an idea opposed by a US military already committed to other world trouble spots.
The president said he's asked Secretary of State Colin Powell to work closely with the United Nations to determine the best way to keep a cease-fire in place. But he called for Liberian President Charles Taylor to cede power and leave the country.
He also said he had talked on the phone with the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and Jordan's King Abdullah II about progress toward peace in the Middle East.

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