Can You Spot the Runway? ILS Approach to Minimums.

Описание к видео Can You Spot the Runway? ILS Approach to Minimums.

Just dropped in for a quick Greek lunch in Worcester, MA on a beautiful day, then realized on the way out that the man in the very nice suit, who had been sitting around when we arrived and was still sitting around when we left, was waiting for the weather to improve to his chartered Bombardier Global 5000's visibility minimums, while we could come and go as we pleased. He seemed a bit surprised, confused, and frustrated by this.

ILS approaches and landings to minimums, complete with ATC audio and cockpit chitchat.

KLWM-KORH Sept 13, 2015. Landing KORH ILS 11, vis 1/4 mi, 200ft vertical visibility, 2000-2800ft runway visual range. Departing KORH runway 11, 200ft vertical visibility, 1000ft runway visual range. Landing KLWM ILS Z 5, 2 mi visibility, 300ft overcast.


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