Easy One-Coat Steel Legion - Speedpaint, Contrast & Washes [How I Paint Things]

Описание к видео Easy One-Coat Steel Legion - Speedpaint, Contrast & Washes [How I Paint Things]

Forgive me if I'm sounding a little croaky in this video; it's not been great news for health in the House of Sledge the last few days! Darktide got into me good, and with the release of the Steel Legion-styled cosmetics for player characters, I got hit again by a wave of nostalgia and decided to take it easy today with something nice, simple, and fast.

The Armageddon Steel Legion were an army that I always wanted as a kid. Simple to paint, they look dead cool, and all those tanks! While ordinarily I'd suggest it's easy enough to trim the vent from the top of the new plastic Krieg miniatures and paint them up as Steel Legion, these guys are 3D prints. Having been asked in the past that I not advertise where I source my STLs, you'll need to do a little Google-fu to find them; they're not all that difficult to locate, especially with the hint to go looking for 6-8/15mm versions. Cults3D is a good place to start.

I scaled mine up 184% from the 15mm originals, though you could eyeball it a little and try anything between 178-185% for 'true' 28mm to more modern 40k sizes.

00:00 - Intro
00:39 - Priming Notes
01:02 - Painting Time
09:47 - The Finished Troopers

Thanks to Producer Patrons Alan, Kyrie, Andrew, Jimmy, Rod, Phil, Robison, Woodcock, David Kinney, and Matt Dischner - as well as all the other Patrons that made this video possible, and Exit23 Games for recording equipment that helps keep the channel ticking over! Find out more at the following links:
  / sonicsledgehammer  
  / sonicsledge  
  / sonicsledgehammer  


PRIMERS: Wraithbone (Citadel Primer Spray)

Guilliman Flesh (Contrast)
Cygor Brown (Contrast) - Highlight either GW Gorthor Brown or AP Dryad Brown
Black Templar (Contrast) - Highlight GW Dawnstone
Basilicanum Grey (Contrast)
Wraithbone (Base)
Aggaros Dunes (Contrast) - Highlight AP Skeleton Bone
Leadbelcher (Base) - Highlight GW Stormhost Silver

Occultist Cloak (Speedpaint)
Satchel Brown (Speedpaint)
Magic Blue (Speedpaint)
Military Shade (Wash)
Dark Tone (Wash)

Apply a thick layer of Vallejo Brown Earth texture paste, then drybrush with a light beige like Tyrant Skull. Add a tuft or two and done!


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