30 Minutes of Mr. Regular Ripping On Corvettes (Best of Regular Car Reviews)

Описание к видео 30 Minutes of Mr. Regular Ripping On Corvettes (Best of Regular Car Reviews)

Mr. Regular doesn't HATE Corvettes or their drivers, but we'd be lying if we said we haven't spent the best part of a decade making cracks at their expense. Here are some of Brian's best, spread out over some 10 years and 19 different videos, in a Best Of supercut (and I'm sure there are plenty I missed when compiling this video in the first place). Watch the full videos featured in this supercut by checking out the ULTIMATE RCR Corvette playlist linked below so you can see it isn't all just angry grumbling and skepticism about GM's evergreen sport chariot.

The ULTIMATE Regular Car Reviews Corvette Playlist
   • The Ultimate RCR Corvette Playlist  


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