짜조/넴 베트남 현지인에게 직접 배워 만들었습니다/ Nem rán/ Northern Vietnam Spring Rolls

Описание к видео 짜조/넴 베트남 현지인에게 직접 배워 만들었습니다/ Nem rán/ Northern Vietnam Spring Rolls

{ 짜조/ 넴 }
베트남 현지인에게 직접 배운
가정식 짜조/넴 /베트남식스프링롤
바삭하고 맛있어요.

돼지고기 300그람.숙주1주먹.
라이스페이퍼15장.넉맘(까나리액젓)3큰술.양파1/2개.베트남고추4개,쪽파씨2개,마늘2개.당근 1/5개.
초록파파야(두두)1/2개(오이).쪽파 6개.후추조금.식초3큰술.불린표고버섯(소)10개.불린목이버섯2개(대).

만드는 방법
*불린표고버섯10개(소) 곱게다지기
*불린목이버섯2개(대) 곱게다지기
*쪽파6개 곱게 썰기
*양파1/2개 곱게 다지기
*쪽파씨2개 곱게다지기

껍질제거 후 필러로 썰기
*당근 조금 필러로 썰기
*베트남가정식 똑같이 소스 만듬
그릇에 파파야.당근.사과식초3큰술.
설탕1.1/2큰술 넣고 절여놓기

*볼에 넉맘2큰술(까나리액젓).
파파야초절임조금 넣고 섞기
*초절임 국물은 사용안함
*먹으면서 파파야 첨가하여 먹음
*소스장 물양은 기호에 따라첨가

4.넴 속재료
*속재료 비율은 1:1
*볼에 목이버섯.표고.쪽파.당근.양파.
.가는소금1/5큰술 넣고 가볍게섞기

5.라이스페이퍼 15장
술넣고 돌돌말기

*팬에 식용유 넣고 온도 180도 되면
8개정도 넣고 노릇하게 튀김
*1번만 튀겨도 됨

8.베트남사람들은 짜조를 가위로
어슷하게 자름
*명절.결혼식.식구들 모이면 만들어먹는 음식입니다.
Northern Vietnam Spring Rolls
1. Ingredients: 300gr minced pork, 1 bowl of bean sprouts, 1 package of rice paper wrapper , 1 bottle of fish sauce, 1 papaya, scallions, 1 cucumber, 1 carrot, 2 purple onions, 1 lemon, ½ onion, 4 chilies, 2 eggs, some shiitake mushrooms, wood-ear mushrooms.
Spices: a little ground pepper, vinegar, sugar, salt.
2. Chop 10 shiitake mushrooms, 2 wood-ear mushrooms (big size).
3. Chop 6 scallions, ½ onion, 2 purple onions.
4. Peel the skin of the green papaya and use a scraper to scrape ½ of the fruit. Same with carrots.
5. Add 3 tablespoons of vinegar, 1 ½ tablespoons of sugar to the papaya and carrots.
6. Dipping sauce: about 2 minced garlic, 4 Vietnamese chilies, 1 lemon. Add 2 tablespoons of fish sauce, 15 tablespoons of water, 1 tablespoon of sugar, squeeze a lemon, a little pepper, minced garlic, chili, papaya and salted carrots (do not add water). Mix dipping sauce according to taste.
7. The ratio of ingredients is 1:1, put all ingredients: 300g minced pork, 1 handful of bean sprouts, 2 chicken eggs, 1 tablespoon fish sauce, 1/5 tablespoon salt in a bowl and squeeze well.
8. Put 1 spoonful of this mixture filling into rice paper wrapper and roll them up.
9. Put cooking oil in a pan, heat at 180 degrees, then put about 8 spring rolls in and fry until they are golden brown (Only need to fry once time)
10. Put the fried spring rolls through the sieve to remove the excess oil. Serve the springs rolls with the dipping sauce.
11. Vietnamese people use scissors to cut spring rolls (cut slightly beveled) and often eat spring rolls on holidays, Tet or family meetings.
We’re done!


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