Tools for Creating PDF Bookmarks in AutoBookmark

Описание к видео Tools for Creating PDF Bookmarks in AutoBookmark

This video shows an overview of PDF bookmark creation tools (functionalities) of the AutoBookmark™ plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat®.

0:15 - Create Bookmarks from Text Using Specific Text Styles
1:40 - Create Bookmarks from Sample Text
2:43 - Create Bookmarks Using Words or Sentences from a User-Defined List
3:36 - Create Bookmarks Using Text Patterns
4:41 - Create Bookmarks from Table of Contents Entries
5:34 - Create Bookmarks from Existing Links
6:26 - Create Bookmarks from Text Highlights, Notes and Comments
7:22 - Create Bookmarks from Named Destinations
8:06 - Create Bookmarks from a Control ASCII Text File
9:00 - Bookmark Every Nth page in the PDF Document
9:37 - Add Bookmarks to Selected / All Files in a Folder
10:59 - Swap Bookmark Levels

AutoBookmark™ ( is an advanced plug-in for Adobe® Acrobat®. The software is designed to create, edit and maintain all navigational elements of PDF documents: bookmarks, links, tables of contents, named destinations and text highlights.

More bookmark tutorials can be found here:


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