The Hunley Comes Out of Her Shell

Описание к видео The Hunley Comes Out of Her Shell

The Hunley has finally come out of her shell. For the first time in over a century, you can actually see the original surface of the world’s first successful combat submarine. Using small hand tools, drills, and chisels, conservators have removed approximately 1200 pounds of concretion, roughly the same weight as a grand piano. This material is being removed so the submarine can be preserved for generations to come. With the exterior now completely exposed, they will start to chisel away the concretion covering the inside of the crew compartment.

Actually being able to see the submarine is opening up an entire new avenue of study for archaeologists working to solve one of the 19th century’s greatest maritime mysteries: why did the Hunley vanish after sinking the USS Housatonic in 1864? Now they are attempting to read what the submarine’s original surface has to tell them.

They have already uncovered holes, scratches, damage, and other curious items that will require further research to understand their significance to the submarine’s story. At this point, perhaps the most notable “forensic hot spot”— indicating a potentially evidence-rich area on the submarine – is what has been uncovered in the area of the Hunley’s weapon delivery system. Damage has been found in the area on the bow where it was mounted that may have been caused by collision or impact.
As archaeologists investigate the new clues uncovered by the deconcretion, conservators will take their work into the crew compartment, hopefully uncovering more artifacts and other clues to help solve the mystery of the Hunley’s disappearance.


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