The FASTEST Way To Learn Slap Bass (4 Easy Steps!)

Описание к видео The FASTEST Way To Learn Slap Bass (4 Easy Steps!)

The three easy steps in this video show beginners exactly how to slap on bass. You can also download some free slap exercises to practice with by clicking the link below.

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Now let's dive right into the tips.

1. Change your slapping hand position

So many bass players have trouble getting a clean slap sound because they use the wrong hand position. They have their hand pointing down so that the thumb runs across 2, 3 or even all 4 strings. This means that when they strike the string they unintentionally hit other strings too.

To avoid this keep your slapping hand in a partly clenched fist position. Make sure your hand is relaxed with your fingers slightly curved, then place your hand over the strings so that your thumb runs parallel to them. I call this position the "parallel thumb" position and it's the preferred hand position of great players like Marcus Miller, Victor Wooten and Mark King (to name a few) so you're in good hands (awful pun, sorry) doing this.

2. Slap with the right part of your thumb

When performing a slap stroke, aim to strike the string with the boney part of your thumb which is just between the last knuckle and the tip of your thumb. As I demonstrate in the video, for me, this is where the nail joins the flesh of my thumb.

For pop strokes, hook the outside of the tip of your finger underneath the outer face of the string and then rotate away to perform a pop stroke.

3. Rotation is key

Arm rotation is one of the least talked about parts of slap technique yet arguably, the most important. Many bass players mistakenly say you should "flick your wrist" but the correct movements for slap and pop strokes actually comes from the elbow.

You should aim to have your forearm perform a small rotation in for a slap stroke and away for a pop stroke. This motion is very similar to turning a key in a lock. Your whole forearm rotates for the key and ideally, it should for slap too.

4. Bonus tips

Having great technique is important but, by itself, it will only get you so far. Bodybuilders can have the best lifting technique in the world but their muscles won't grow if they don't actually lift any weights. The same is true of your slap technique if you don't practice some exercises.

To make sure you don't get stuck in this trap I've made a free PDF with two slap exercises that you can collect by clicking the link below!


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