F-4 Phantom II: Roaring Through History with Timeless Power and Unforgetable Areal Prowess (HD)

Описание к видео F-4 Phantom II: Roaring Through History with Timeless Power and Unforgetable Areal Prowess (HD)

F-4E Phantom II Dogfight ファントムII
The F-4E Phantom II is a dual-seater multirole fighter aircraft. It debuted in Air Combat and has since become one of the series's most prominent aircraft, appearing as the starter aircraft in many titles.

The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II is an American tandem two-seat, twin-engine, all-weather, long-range supersonic jet interceptor and fighter-bomber originally developed by McDonnell Aircraft for the United States Navy. Proving highly adaptable, it entered service with the Navy in 1961 before it was adopted by the United States Marine Corps and the United States Air Force, and by the mid-1960s it had become a major part of their air arms. Phantom production ran from 1958 to 1981 with a total of 5,195 aircraft built, making it the most produced American supersonic military aircraft in history, and cementing its position as a signature combat aircraft of the Cold War

F-4 (戦闘機)
F-4 ファントムII(McDonnel F-4 Phantom II)は、アメリカ合衆国のマクドネル・エアクラフト社(その後マクドネル・ダグラス社を経て、現在のボーイング社)が開発した艦上戦闘機である。アメリカ海軍をはじめ、多くの国の軍隊で採用された。愛称はファントムII(Phantom II)。

F-4E Phantom II(中文:幽靈II)是在空戰奇兵系列中多次出場的初階戰鬥機。

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