Zanilia Zhao Liying 赵丽颖 I From 1 To 31 Years Old 從1到31嵗的變化

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Zhao Li Ying, also known as Zanilia Zhao, is a Chinese actress. In 2006, Zhao participated in the Yahoo Search Star Game and became the final winner. She then signed with Huayi Brothers as a new talent. In 2007, Zhao made her acting debut in the family drama "Golden Marriage". In 2009, Zhao took on her first historical drama role in "The Firmament of The Pleiades". The series was broadcast on Japanese channel NHK and earned critical acclaim. Zhao received the Most Popular Actress award at the Chinese Creative Short Video Awards.

In 2013, Zhao achieved her breakthrough with "Legend of Lu Zhen". The drama was a hit domestically, and also overseas in South Korea and Japan, leading to increased recognition for Zhao in the region. She won the Favorite Newcomer award at the 4th China TV Drama Awards, Most Popular TV Actress award at the 4th LeTV Awards and Favorite New Actress award for the mainland region at the Tudou Young Choice Awards. Her popularity only increase with hit dramas like "Boss & Me" and "Journey of Flower". In 2017, she had a memorable film role in "Duckweed" and the drama "Princess Agents". She ranked 4th on Forbes China Celebrity 100 list in 2017.

Zhao Liying announced that she had married actor Feng Shao Feng in October of 2018.


2006年,因獲得雅虎搜星比賽馮小剛組冠軍而進入演藝圈 ;同年,在馮小剛執導的廣告片《跪族篇》中擔任女主角 。 2011年,因在古裝劇《新還珠格格》中飾演晴兒一角而被觀眾認識 。 2013年,憑藉古裝劇《陸貞傳奇》獲得更多關注。 2014年10月,在第10屆金鷹電視藝術節舉辦的投票活動中被選為“金鷹女神” ;12月,憑藉都市愛情劇《杉杉來了》獲得第5屆國劇盛典內地最具人氣女演員獎 ;同年,成立海潤傳媒趙麗穎工作室。

2015年,主演的仙俠劇《花千骨》打破中國內地周播劇收視紀錄 ,而其個人則憑藉該劇先後獲得第6屆澳門國際電視節金蓮花最佳女主角獎、第6屆國劇盛典最具收視號召力演員獎、第22屆上海電視節白玉蘭獎最佳女主角獎提名、第28屆中國電視金鷹獎觀眾喜愛的女演員獎。 2017年,憑藉電影《乘風破浪》獲得第24屆北京大學生電影節最受大學生歡迎女演員獎 ;同年主演的古裝劇《楚喬傳》成為中國內地首部在播期間網絡播放量突破400億次的電視劇 。

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