Panji/Inao -- Wayang Beber -- Joko Kembang Kuning (Indonesia)

Описание к видео Panji/Inao -- Wayang Beber -- Joko Kembang Kuning (Indonesia)

Wayang Beber is an ancient form of reciting stories in Java, Indonesia from the Panji cycle. The story is narrated or sung by a dalang, with the use of painted cloth scrolls. While it is called wayang, it does not make use of puppets or marionettes, actors or dancers. The characters and the story are brought to life through the dalang, the narrator who rolls the scrolls while singing and telling the story, accompanied by a small gamelan ensemble. There are six scrolls, each of which contains four scenes. Some may only be presented during specific rites and ceremonies due to their sacred nature. The very last scene has never been performed and remains unopened as it is the most sacred one. This performance thus contains only a selection of scrolls and scenes.


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