Jean Robert Planquette (31 July 1848 – 28 January 1903) was a French composer of songs and operettas.
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Several of Planquette's operettas were extraordinarily successful in Britain, especially Les cloches de Corneville (1878), the length of whose initial London run broke all records for any piece of musical theatre up to that time. Rip Van Winkle (1882) also earned international fame.
Les Cloches de Corneville (The Bells of Corneville (1877)
Libretto by Louis Clairville and Charles Gabet.
Overture (0:00)
Act 1, Scene 1: A forest near the village of Corneville
1. Chorus – "C’est le marché de Corneville" – "On dit, sans contredit" (This is Corneville market – They say, without a doubt) (5:05)
2. Rondo – "Dans ma mystérieuse histoire" (In my mysterious history) – Serpolette (13:00)
3. Chanson du mousse – "Va, petit mousse" (Go, little cabin boy) – Grenicheux (14:53)
4. Duet – "Même sans consulter mon coeur" (Even without asking my heart) – Germaine, Grenicheux (18:38)
5. Légende des cloches – "Nous avons hélas! perdu d'excellents maîtres" (Legend of the bells – We have, alas, lost excellent masters) – Germaine, chorus (Cut due to copyright block)
6. Rondo-waltz – "J'ai fait trois fois le tour du monde" (I've been round the world three times) – Henri (22:13)
7. Chorus – "C’est affreux, odieux" (It's awful, odious!) (25:26)
Act 1, Scene 2: The Fair of Corneville
8. Couplets – "Je ne sais comment faire" (I don't know how) – Grenicheux (31:13)
9a. Chorus "Sur le marche de Corneville (On Corneville market) (32:59)
9b. Chorus "Vous qui voulez des servantes" (You who want servants)
9c. Finale – "Jeune fille, dis-moi ton nom" (Tell me your name, young woman) (37:22)
Act 2 – A Hall in the Chateau of Corneville (42:46)
10. Chorus – "À la lueur de ces flambeaux" (By the light of these torches) (43:41)
10b. Air – "Ne parlez pas de mon courage" (Do not speak of my courage) – Germaine
10c. Trio – "Fermons les yeux" (Close your eyes – Serpolette, Grenicheux, Bailiff) (46:26)
10d. Song – "Pristi, sapristi" (Serpolette) (47:45)
11. Song – "J'avais perdu la tête et ma perruque" (I have lost my head and my wig) – Bailiff (49:48)
12. Song – "Sous des armures à leur taille" (Wearing armour that fits them) – Henri, chorus (52:21)
13. Ensemble and couplets – "Vicomtesse et marquise" (Viscountess and marquis) – Serpolette, Henri, chorus (55:09)
14. Duet – "C'est elle et son destin le guide" (It is she, and her destiny guides her) – Germaine, Henri (57:11)
15. Chorus and quintet – Gloire au valeureux Grenicheux" (Glory to the brave) – Grenicheux (1:01:59)
16. Finale and couplets –"C'est là, c’est là qu'est la richesse" (This is where the money is) – Gaspard, Grenicheux, chorus (1:04:54)
Act 3 – A Park, with a statue and shrubbery
Entr'acte and dance (1:11:05)
17. Chanson des gueux – "Enfin, nous voilà transportés" (Song of the beggars – At last we are transported) – Gaspard (1:12:21)
18. Chorus – "Regardez donc quel équipage" (Look what a crew) (1:14:54)
18b. Song – "oui, c'est moi, c'est Serpolette" (Yes, it's me, it's Serpolette) – Serpolette
19. Chanson du cidre – "La pomme est un fruit plein de sève" (Cider song – The apple is a fruit full of juice) – Serpolette and chorus (1:18:19)
20. Rondo-waltz – "Je regardais en l'air" (I have looked in the air) – Grenicheux (1:21:38)
21. Romance and duet – "Une servante, que m'importe" (A maid – what do I care!) – Germaine, Henri (1:24:28)
22. Final de l'acte III – "Pour le tresor que tu nous abandonnes" (For the treasure you leave us) (1:28:17)
Germaine - Mady Mesplé
Serpolette - Christiane Stutzmann
Henri de Corneville - Bernard Sinclair
Grenicheux - Charles Burles
The Bailiff - Jean Giraudeau
Gaspard - Jean-Christophe Benoit
Gertrude/Nanette - Annie Tallard
Catherine/Suzanne - Arta Verlen
Cachalot - Jean Bussard
Chorus and Orchestra of the Théâtre national de l'opéra de Paris, conducted by Jean Doussard.
Rec. 1973
plot of the opera plus more info:
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