The End of the Deleuzean Century

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00:00 Deleuzean Century Timeline
00:07 Foucault's 1976 Self-Description of Research
01:49 Perhaps One Day the Century will Be Deleuzean
2:01 I Felt a Bit Like a Sperm Whale
2:18 The Kingdom of Loose Ends
2:34 A Field Left Fallow for Others to Till?
2:43 Archaeology of the Archaeology
2:57 1976, A Turning Point from Published to Unfinished Research
4:07 83-4 Another Loose End
4:19 A Somewhat Astounding Theme that Links 1984 with 1976-9
4:48 Normalization in Modernity 1971-1975
5:02 Delinquency
5:34 But Norms in the Ancient World?
5:46 How Foucault's Lectures Fit within the Deleuzean Millenium (timeline)
6:12 The End of the D.c.
6:24 War Against Sovereignty
6:34 Power without the King
6:40 The Hidden King?
6:44 How Christianity Repurposed Hellenic Themes (Foucault's 1980s Research)
7:06 Pastoral Modernity
7:29 The Neoliberalism Question
7:44 Ideology in the Framework of Belief-O-Nomics
8:00 Foucault Svept Away Weber
8:12 You Can Do Biden Impressions in videos About Philosophy
8:26 This Theme is Also in Deleuze and Guattari
8:29 Foucault's Own Private Anti-Oedipus
8:55 What Foucault Gives that Deleuze and Guattari Didn't Give
9:22 Deleuze and Guattari: An Entry into Big History
9:30 Contextualizing Hellenic Christianity Against Earlier Civilizations
9:44 The Origins of the State Form was Never of Interest to Foucault
10:20 Greek Society was Produced Out of A Crisis (Nietzsche)
10:32 Hybridity, a Marketplace of Ideas and Religions
10:46 Foucault's Struggle to Read Oedipus
11:00 Foucault Didn't See that Crisis
11:09 A Privileged Moment for the Truth of the Subject
11:29 Oedipus, The Failure of an Earlier Ritual Stability
11:55 And Tragedy is Filled with Disgraced Individuals
12:00 Deleuze's Writings: This is not a Pipe
12:19 Foucault Documented How the Church and State Appropriated Philosophy
12:35 When Deleuze Looked at Foucault After Foucault's Death
12:53 We Are Entering a Different Stage
13:03 The Impossibility of a Care of the Self?
13:13 The Self of Philosophy and the Self of Pscyhology
13:39 The Hidden Horoscope of Septimius Severus
13:50 Narcissistic Epidemic
14:00 Foucault Mentioned Narcissism in a Strange Place (Archaeology of Knowledge)
14:15 You Need Deleuze to Help You Finish Foucault
14:22 First, Oedipus: Anti-Parrhesia and Narcissism
14:39 Deleuze's Narcissistic Ego
15:20 Therapy, to Least Provide a Surrogate for Ritual
15:42 Narcissism and Image Control at the End of the Deleuzean Century
16:15 Even in Theory, What People Are Most Afraid of is the Aleatory
16:40 The State of Exception and Aristottle's 'The Equitable'
16:53 What Foucault Saw in the Biopolitics of Neoliberalism
17:21 When Foucault was Dying, He was Re-Reading Spinoza
18:23 What Deleuze Meant By Expression from Spinoza
18:40 Deleuze Linking Nietzschean, Spinozist, and Stoic Themes
18:55 The Question that We are Left with at the End of the Deleuzean Century
19:15 Great Thinkers are Quite Seismic (Sperm Whales)

This video situates Foucault's work within Deleuzean century whose idea he coined.

This is the third in a series of three videos on theory.


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