【Top 8 Illumination Spots in TOKYO】with the latest 2024 Info in description

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I've selected Top 8 Winter illumination spots in TOKYO with the latest updates. (2023-2024)with latest information for 2024-2025 in this description:)
Every year, these spots have winter illuminations, so I hope this video will be helpful for your future experience. Please check the below for the details of latest information.

0:00 Introduction
0:38 No.1 Tokyo Skytree (with Projection Mapping)
1:43 No.2 Yebisu Garden Place (24+ year old tradition in Town)

My camera woman ​⁠ ​⁠​⁠‪@With_Me_JAPAN‬

3:25 No.3 MegaIllumi (with animals)
4:28 No.4 Odaiba (with a New Projection Mapping)
5:32 No.5 Marunouchi (Most sophisticated area in Tokyo in my opinion)
6:58 No.6 Akasaka Sacas (Hidden Spot)
7:53 No.7 Tokyo Midtown (Popular spot with Ice Link)
8:50 No.8 Roppongi Hills (Tokyo's best view during winter)
10:16 Other Illumination Spots

【Illumination Info 2024 Winter】Please check the information from the link before you go.
1. Tokyo Skytree (2024 11/7~12/25, 16:00~23:00)
Article MATCHA(ENG): https://matcha-jp.com/en/22473
Official Website (JPN) https://www.tokyo-solamachi.jp/2024xm...

2. Yebisu Grden Place (2024 11/9 ~12/25) Illumination without Christmas theme will be lit up until 2025/2/23
Japanese Website: https: https://gardenplace.jp/event/detail/447
English Translated Website: https://gardenplace.jp/event/detail/447
2023 /11/11(Sat)~2024/1/8(Mon) 11:00~23:00

3. Mega Illumi (2024 11/2 ~ 2025 1/12, 16:30~21:00) Close admission at 20:00

4. Odaiba (2024 11/22~12/25)
(JPN) https://www.tokyo-odaiba.net/illumina...
There is no official English website, but there are illuminations in various locations in Odaiba
(You can see illumination map in Japanese website above)

5. Marunouchi (2024 11/14~ 2025 2/16, 16:00~23:00) It’s planned to lit up until 24:00 in December
(you can select language in this official HP)
If it has an error, please copy and paste the link to open it.

Kitte Building ENG https://tokyocheapo.com/events/white-...
(Kitte building has a beautiful roof top garden where you can see trains of Tokyo Station)
JPN with Illumination Show Schedule; https://marunouchi.jp-kitte.jp/shop/w...

Midtown Hibiya (2024 11/14~ 2025 2/28, 16:00~23:00)
Official HP (You can change language) https://www.hibiya.tokyo-midtown.com/...

6. Akasaka (2024 12/6 ~ 12/25 15:30~23:30)
Japanese article about Harry Potter illumination during this period :https://www.fashion-press.net/news/12...
No English information available

7. Tokyo Midtown 2024/11/14〜12/25, 17:00-23:00)
English: https://www.tokyo-midtown.com/jp/sp/e...
Japanese: https://www.tokyo-midtown.com/jp/sp/e...

8. Roppongi Hills (2024/Nov 7〜Dec 25, 17:00 - 23:00 )
It'll direct you to the site including Roppingi Hills. (You can click right Top to select languages)

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⭐️My livestream from Sendai during Tanabata

【About my Channel】
Hello I'm Lemi from Japan. I live in Tokyo.
My channel is about culture and travels information of Japan. I plan to share more about 'local' and 'rural' area of Japan when we are 'safe' to travel. :) I'm also practicing drone to include a beautiful shot in the video. Let's discover Japan together!!

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【About my Info】
📷Instagram:   / lemifromjapan  

🎥Video Equipment I use:
Camera - iPhone 14 Pro

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