Gypsy Drinking Song - The Inspector General

Описание к видео Gypsy Drinking Song - The Inspector General

Great and funny song from The Inspector General--Warner Bros. 1949. Starring Danny Kaye


Whisking through the whispering woods on a wild Romani pony
With a yak yak yak, and a yak se drak, and a yak se drak se donye.
Rides the gypsy
The gypsy
The gee-eee-eee-ipsy
The gip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ip-ipsy.
The world thinks him careless and tipsy and free
But oh, the poor gypsy (scream, squeak, gasp)
His lot is not what it ought to be. For...
Night and day and day and night there's a man they're sick of obeying
With a whip
In his hand.
Over gypsy he stand.
And this is what he is saying:
Um. Hum. Hmm.
Play gypsy, sing gypsy, dance gypsy, laugh gypsy, cry gypsy, live gypsy, die gypsy
Drink to goodbyes and drink to hellos.
Drink to the open; drink to the closed.
Drink to me only with thine eyes, and I will drink with my nose.
And so we drink!
But first we sing.

Pause while Danny Kaye teaches chorus to his audience. It consists of "zoom," "shtock, shtock," and "Ha!Ha!Ha!" and another song--look at the bottom of the Description for lyrics/transcription, care of QAZRUS.

Play, gypsy, sing gypsy, dance gypsy, leap gypsy, dream gypsy, slide gypsy, slink gypsy
And so we drink.
But first we play.

Pause while Danny Kaye plays violin

Play gypsy, sing gypsy, dance gypsy, smile gypsy, wink gypsy, blink gypsy, shrink gypsy
And so we drink.
But first we dance.

Pause while Danny Kaye does flaming sword dance

And so we drink
To everyone we admire.
To the girl who sets your heart a glow and sets your heart on...FIRE!
And so we drink!


The song called "Ах зачем эта ночь" [ah, zachem eta noch], "Ow, why is this night".
There is a lyrics for you, you can add them to description.

"Ах, зачем эта ночь
так было хороша
Не болела бы грудь,
не страдала душа."

"Ah, zachem eta noch
tak byla khorosha
ne bolela by grud'
ne stradala dusha"

and if you interested

translated [by me]
"Ow, why is this night
was so good(lovely)
if only wouldn't ache the chest
if only wouldn't suffer the soul

but this is not the end of it.
russian romance part ending and he's starting to sing faster. This is ukrainian song "Їхав козак за Дунай", and here is lyrics:

"Лучше было бы, лучше было бы не ходить,
Лучше было бы, лучше было бы не любить,
Лучше было бы, лучше было бы и не знать,
Как теперь, как теперь забывать."

"Лучше було б, лучше було б не ходити,
Лучше було б, лучше було б не любити,
Лучше було б, лучше було б та й не знати,
Як тепер, як тепер забувати."

but there is a thing, Danny is using mix of this two languages [I don't know why], so he's singing like this:

Danny's version
"Лучше было бы, лучше было бы не ходити,
Лучше было бы, лучше было бы не любити,
Лучше было бы, лучше та й не знати,
Чем теперь, чем теперь забыва...
you want something to drink..."

"It would be better, it would be better not to go,
It would be better, it would be better not to love,
It would be better, it would be better not to know
Than it is now to forget.."


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