Bamboo Sushi – Pioneer in Sustainable Sushi Restaurants

Описание к видео Bamboo Sushi – Pioneer in Sustainable Sushi Restaurants

Kristofor Lofgren, president at Sustainable Restaurant Holdings Inc., created the world’s first certified sustainable sushi restaurant located in NYC: Bamboo Sushi. Driven by a deep commitment to environmental and social change, he set out to make an impact in the world. Conscious of the fact that overfishing has driven certain populations of fish to dangerously low numbers, Bamboo Sushi chooses to forgo these popular fishing types, opting instead to craft a menu that prioritizes sustainability. In doing so, they ensure that all of the food served at the restaurant is crafted from ingredients obtained in ways that don’t harm the environment.

The sustainable sushi that is provided isn’t just a win for the environment; the numerous accolades Bamboo Sushi has received for their dishes make it clear that the restaurant is a win for sushi lovers, too.


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