Guitar and Eurorack with Rossum Panharmonium and Strymon Starlab

Описание к видео Guitar and Eurorack with Rossum Panharmonium and Strymon Starlab

Processing guitar via eurorack is something I've been interested in for years. The possibilities seem endless yet eurorack always has a way of derailing productivity (at least for me).

I've been really inspired by Chrisitan Fennesz and Ben Frost and other musicians who heavily process guitar. Most of these artist use computers for their sound mangling. I'm giving it a shot with hardware just because it seems like a fun and more tactile challenge. The Panharmonium has probably been the most useful module I've encountered for really warping/mangling/resynthesizing samples.

I'd like to get to the point where I'm comfortable enough with this setup to do most of my processing in rack. Or maybe I'm just insane and should just buy a laptop and learn max msp.

Anyways, here's a pretty basic first attempt at an evolving arpeggio piece. I'd like to get to the point that I can build shorter more dynamic pieces, but right now I'm fascinated in how these loops evolve with feedback and multiple lfos swinging in and out.

Thanks for listening.


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