Ramadan Weight Loss Diet Plan Urdu - Ramzan Men Wazan Kam Karen- How TO Maximize Fat Loss In Fasting

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Ramadan Weight Loss Diet Plan Urdu - Ramzan Men Wazan Kam Karen- How TO Maximize Fat Loss In Fasting

Ramzan comes with a lot of blissful joys and frying. After fasting for close to 16 hours, there are a lot of biochemical changes going on in our body and we should be mindful of those changes when we are selecting our Ramadan (Ramzan) menu.

A well-balanced diet equates to a healthy mind. It is extremely important to maintain a healthy diet in Ramadan (Ramzan) diet in order to stay active, avoid diseases and lose weight. In the current day and age, eating healthy food can be difficult due to other options such as processed foods being readily available and can cause problems in the process of losing weight in Ramadan (ramzan men wazan kam karen).

Most people gain excess kilos in Ramadan (Ramzan) due to poor dietary habits and frequent eating of fried foods. I suggest incorporating more fresh fruits and juices in your diet, these are fulfilling as well as refreshing and also helps to lose weight (ramzan men wazan kam karen). Sugar in fruit chaat and juices should be avoided because sugar leads to rapid weight gain in Ramadan (Ramzan).

Ms. Ayesha Nasir is one of the top Dietitians in Lahore. Ms. Ayesha is also available for Online Video Consultation at oladoc.com. To book an appointment with Ms. Ayesha, please visit the following link or call 042-3890-0939.


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