Unleash the Power of Physical Modeling Synthesis: Create a DI Guitar with your VSTs of choice

Описание к видео Unleash the Power of Physical Modeling Synthesis: Create a DI Guitar with your VSTs of choice

It came as a request in a comment and here it is; the topic could be very deep and vast, in this video I believe I'm barely scratching the surface. Might be an almost naive technique, but imho it gets the job done, and makes it feasible to get a kinda "believable" guitar out of many synths, here I'm using Triple cheese, Vital, SurgeXT and Zebra... Would you like me to make something similar in PolyGrid?

Here's my gumroad, full of patches for Vital

and if you like links, here's a lot more, my music, my social profiles... you know, that stuff


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