Massage Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation!

Описание к видео Massage Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation!

Massage Therapy for Stroke Rehabilitation!

When the MCO is being imposed, we at St.Mary's Aged Home must take additional measures to ensure the wellbeing of our elderly residents, including restriction of visitors including family members during the critical period.

In this situation, our nursing staff has shown great commitment to take care of our elderly residents. Besides just nursing & medication care, they also ensure our residents have their daily physiotherapy sessions, games & activities to keep them healthy, happy and alert.
Kudos to our nursing staff in St.Mary's Aged Home for their continuous dedication and loving care for our elderly residents! 👏👏👏

We also take this opportunity to thank the family members & loved ones of our residents for their understanding and trust for us to continue our care for their beloved. 🙏
#stmarysagedhome #edlerlycare #seniorcare #staysafe #stayhome #massage #therapy #stroke


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