Clarifying the best interest of the children in the Texas Family Code

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The Texas Family Code is 1,525 pages long. Within the code, the "best interest of the child" is referred to at least 140 times.

IN Section 153..002, the Texas Family Code asserts that "The best interest of the child shall always be the primary consideration of the court in determining the issues of conservatorship and possession of and access to the child." However, NO WHERE in the Texas Family Code is there a definition of what the best interest of the child means.

Section 201.107 (c) of the Texas Family Code says that "The presiding judges and the Title IV-D agency shall act and are authorized to take any action necessary to maximize the amount of federal funds available under the Title IV-D program."

In other words, it appears that your child is now a commodity for the state of Texas and that "The Best Interest of the Child" is "Whatever makes the state of Texas the most money."

Obviously, this standard has huge implications for the way the state treats the parent-child relationship.

The Texas legislature needs to quit hiding behind a nice-sounding phrase and define what the best interest of the child is.


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