First Folds With Bifold

Описание к видео First Folds With Bifold

Bifold is a dual channel wavefolder, where one channel (the P channel) has a sonic characteristic inspired by the Buchla-style Parallel “deadband” folding circuit, while the other channel (the S channel) is more characteristic of a Serge-type Serial folding circuit. Besides offering two unique flavours of wavefolding, Bifold features numerous feedback and routing options along with CV control, enabling you to mix, blend and crossfade those flavours into a rich stew of unique waveforms and harmonic movement.

This video provides a few demos of how Bifold sounds when used in musical sequences, drones, and distorting drums.

Video Chapters:
00:03 - Melodic sequence with blends of folding
01:36 - Distorting drums and aux feedback
02:36 - Ringmod bell tones and AM
03:28 - Growling drone

Learn more about Bifold here:

#intellijel #eurorack #modularsynth #bifold #wavefolder


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