Jailbreak Griefing - TmF Gaming

Описание к видео Jailbreak Griefing - TmF Gaming

Original Upload Date: Jul 23, 2011


"Squeal, Piggy, squeal!

Jailbreak is a custom game mode for Counter-Strike that simulates a jail. The Terrorists are prisoners who start in a jail cell with nothing but a knife. The Counter-Terrorists are the guards who start with weapons, but there at most only half as many guards as there are prisoners. The jail cells open after about a minute, at which point the guards may order the inmates around. Any inmates who disobey or rebel may be shot on sight, and the goal if for the inmates to sneak away in order to get a gun and kill the guards.

A common problem in this game is "freekilling," which refers to a guard mowing down the inmates for no reason."



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