Hideous Destructor | Urban Side | No Failure Runs | Part 4

Описание к видео Hideous Destructor | Urban Side | No Failure Runs | Part 4

Hahh, a map that requires me to record one part, process it, and then record the other because the HDD space ran out. Haven't had that happen in a while, but I suppose it's inevitable. Quite fitting for the last map in the set to be a harsh one to fight through, though the hardest part for me is less the indoor areas themselves and more the last stretch at the rooftop.

Y'see, HDest enemies patrol. This causes monster closets to "leak" and cause occasional unintended encounters. The amount of time spent indoors means that all the goobers by the roof eventually all have already popped in by the time I reach the teleport. Suffice to say, a perfectly good run went down the drain that day. I have an alternate plan for this one, but it's a game of chance. You'll see what I mean in a bit.

Mods Used:
Urban Side: https://www.doomworld.com/idgames/lev...
Hideous Destructor: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php...
Personal HDest Addons: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php...
NashGore NEXT: https://forum.zdoom.org/viewtopic.php...
Enemy Sprites From Project Malice: https://github.com/TheBlueSavior/Proj...


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