Mastering Critical Risk Management in Mining: A Step-by-Step Free Webinar

Описание к видео Mastering Critical Risk Management in Mining: A Step-by-Step Free Webinar

Recording from most recent webinar

The meeting focused on critical risk management, covering topics such as defining critical risks, current state of CRM, self-assessment using a CRM framework, analyzing critical risks, defining performance standards, assigning accountability, verification and reporting, responding to critical control failures, and upcoming webinars. Action items included sending out notes and slides, providing free gap analysis of CRM processes, and connecting individuals for insights on CRM implementation.

● 🎯 Introduction and Critical Risk Definition (00:01 - 03:17)
● Introduction to the webinar and its purpose
● Participants asked to define 'critical risk'
● Discussion on various definitions and examples of critical risks
● 📊 Current State of Critical Risk Management (03:17 - 10:26)
● Discussion on the current state of critical risk management in various businesses
● Identification of common challenges and sticking points in CRM processes
● 🛠️ CRM Framework and Self-Assessment (10:26 - 18:26)
● Introduction to the CRM framework by the International Council of Mining and Metals
● Participants asked to rate their business's CRM processes
● Self-assessment on planning and identifying critical risks
● 📋 Analyzing Critical Risks (18:26 - 25:32)
● Explanation of analyzing critical risks using tools like Bowtie
● Discussion on identifying controls and critical controls
● Participants asked to rate their business's performance in analyzing critical risks
● 📈 Defining Performance and Verification (25:32 - 31:34)
● Defining performance standards for critical controls
● Discussion on verification strategies and their importance
● Participants asked to rate their business's performance in defining and verifying critical controls
● 🔄 Assigning Accountability and Implementation (31:34 - 38:43)
● Discussion on assigning accountability for risks and controls
● Participants asked to rate their business's performance in assigning accountability
● Implementation of CRM processes and related actions
● 📊 Verification and Reporting (38:43 - 41:30)
● Importance of verification activities and reporting
● Discussion on setting up KPIs and performance metrics
● Participants asked to rate their business's performance in verification and reporting
● 🔍 Responding to Critical Control Failures (41:30 - 44:44)
● Discussion on responding to inadequate critical control performance
● Participants asked to rate their business's performance in responding to critical control failures
● 📅 Upcoming Webinars and Offers (44:44 - 50:51)
● Announcement of upcoming webinars on CRM and psychosocial risk management
● Offer for a free gap analysis of CRM processes
● Participants encouraged to send documents for review
● 🤝 Q&A and Networking (50:51 - 01:06:16)
● Open floor for questions and answers
● Discussion on specific challenges faced by participants
● Networking and follow-up actions


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