5 Myths that KILL Fish! Have You Heard Them?

Описание к видео 5 Myths that KILL Fish! Have You Heard Them?

Things are shaking up. What was true or believed to be true is getting re-thought. The hobby is changing, evolving and I see a move in the direction of simplicity and common sense.
Along the way certain "truths" are going to be shaken and exposed as myths. Myths that were often passed from one fish keeper to another and taken as gospel, at face value, when in fact they were wrong and unworkable. Many of these myths have brought about grief for fish keepers.
In this video I talk about five myths that many of us just accepted as "everybody knows that..." and never stopped to examine the workability of the claim or if there was any research to back it up.
Five myths that can and have killed fish is the subject of this video. But we know that there are far more than five floating around in the fish keeping community.
What myths have you come across? What did you think was true but then, as you progressed in the hobby, discovered was actually false? Share it below and let's dispel the falsehoods!
Thank you for tuning in and be sure to follow on Instagram at: ben.o.cichlid.
Thank you to the group members at the "Ben O'Cichlid" Facebook group that participated in this group survey.
Help support the future of the hobby by supporting the American Cichlid Association here: cichlid.org
Thank you Phil Griffiths ("Mr. Chips") for the video logo.


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