Gettysburg's Oak Ridge: Day One Gettysburg Battle | Baxter & Rodes | Schurz, Early, Pender, Ewell

Описание к видео Gettysburg's Oak Ridge: Day One Gettysburg Battle | Baxter & Rodes | Schurz, Early, Pender, Ewell

July 1, 1863.

Buford and Wadsworth have held off Heth's division. However, Ewell's corps is arriving from the north. Rodes is the lead division in Ewell's corps, forming up near Oak Hill.

The Union side has Robinson's division on the field. Baxter's brigade is moved up to Oak Ridge.

Rodes places artillery on Oak Hill. Rodes sends Iverson and O'Neal's brigades against Baxter. Baxter throws back the rebels.

General Howard is on the field, and he learns of General Reynolds' death. Howard assumes command from General Doubleday.

More armies are arriving. Early comes from the northeast, while Schurz's corps comes from the south.

Schurz gets his divisions into line. Schimmelfennig is placed to the right of Baxter, and Barlow is placed to the right of Schimmelfennig. Barlow will move his division onto a knoll in his front.

Meanwhile, Rodes sends Ramseur's brigade against Baxter. Baxter is relieved by Paul, and Paul reclaims hold of the stonewall on Oak Ridge.

General Robert E. Lee is now on the field. The Union right is endanger of being flanked, and Pender's division has arrived to support Heth. Lee consents to another attack on McPherson's Ridge.

The Confederates are now linking around the Union flanks, pressing all sides like a vice. Howard is on Cemetery Hill, hoping to receive reinforcements. General Winfield Scott Hancock has nearly arrived.

Film by Jeffrey Meyer


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