Sun Hours Analysis in cove.tool

Описание к видео Sun Hours Analysis in cove.tool

Sun Hours, also known as exterior solar exposure, measures the average number of hours your building envelope receives unobstructed daylight over a typical year. This analysis type is unique from the other 3D analyses because this simulation has its origins in the Rights-to-Light laws. Rights-to-Light laws entitle building owners and local governments to deny new construction of buildings whose size, shape, and location obstruct pre-established "sufficient daylight" to existing buildings and public parks. To analyze "sufficient daylight" claims, a sun hours analysis and shadow study are undertaken to prove the damaging or insignificant daylight impact of a new building. Sun hours analysis has also proven useful for providing insight relevant to programming, furniture layouts, shading strategies, and landscape placement. Being able to guarantee that residents of an apartment building get good sunlight is a big selling point for developers.

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