In Memoriam of Mary Jane „Ginger“ Kelly (* 1863 — † 9. November 1888).
Born 1863 in Limerick, Irland, and murdered in the early Morning Hours of 9th November 1988 in Whitechapel, London, she was the most beautiful Woman among the Victims of this heinous Demon, whom we know today by it's disgusting Alias, Jack the Ripper. May this Monster burn in Hell, and may poor Mary be carried into the Heavens by the Angels, whose former roommate Mrs. Carthy said:
She was an Artist of no mean Degree.
In the Night of her Death, before the Killer came, she was heard singing this Song multiple Times. During the Ages of Mankind, many beautiful Songs of once disappeared forever in History, entirely forgotten by Mankind. The shocking Way, how Mary was killed, may be the only Thing, why this old Song was preserved from becoming forgotten and why it survived 131 Years, filled with two gruesome World Wars and other Abominations of all kind.
With Love this Video shall be dedicated to honor Mary. Whosoever watches this Video, shall be softly reminded of her, Mary Jane Kelly, who was so kind and beautiful. If only You had known her.
As far as I know, my uploaded Version of the Song was sung (very good, by the way,) by Dekadenz. Original Link in the Links Section.
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L Y R i C S _ O F :
A Violet From Mother's Grave
Scenes of my Childhood arise before my Gaze,
bringing Reflections of bygone happy Days.
When down in the Meadow in Childhood I would roam,
No one's left to cheer me now within that good old Home,
Father, Mother, they have passed away.
Sister and Brother now lay beneath the Clay,
But while Life does remain, in Memoriam I'll retain.
This small Violet I plucked from Mother's Grave.
CHORUS: (2x)
Only a Violet I plucked when but a Boy,
And oft'time when I'm sad at Heart, this Flower has given me Joy.
So while Life does remain, in Memoriam I'll retain.
This small Violet I pluck'd from Mother's Grave.
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A complete Version couldn't be found.
The second part wasn't sung in the Song above:
Well I remember my dear old mother's smile,
As she used to gree me when I returned from toil,
Always knitting in the old arm chair,
Father used to sit and read for all us children there,
But now all is silent around the good old home;
They all have left me in sorrow here to roam,
But while life does remain, in memoriam I'll retain
This small violet I pluck'd from mother's grave.
L i n k s - S e c t i o n:
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Source of Lyrics:
Another MJK Facial Reconstruction Attempt: • Portrait of Mary Jane Kelly and facia...
Very best Song Version that You can find on YouTube: • Mary Jane Kelly - A Violet From Mothe...
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